Youtube-dl Tutorial With Examples For Beginners

Youtube-dl is a most popular command line YouTube downloader application. It is not just to download videos from Youtube, but also from a lot of other websites. You can view the complete list of supported sites here. Youtube-dl can be able to download a single track or entire playlist in one go. It is a free and open source program written in Python. It supports GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. In this detailed Youtube-dl tutorial, we will learn to use most commonly used commands with examples to download audio and video streams from online in Linux.

How to install Composer on MacOS

Composer is an application level package manager for the PHP programming language. It provides a standard format for dependencies management of PHP software and required libraries. It was developed by Nilsadermann and JoddiBoganiano. It was released on March 1, 2012. In this tutorial, we will learn the installation process of Composer on MacOS.


不确定性本身不一定是坏事。某种意义上,它是现代社会的特征,是社会进步的代价。自西汉到 1949 年,中国人均 GDP 基本保持不变。此时,生活没有不确定性。未来就是对过去的不断复制。你爷爷是铁匠,你爸爸是铁匠,你也是铁匠。但是,在过去 200 年间,各个国家经济曲线直线上涨,人类社会发生前所未有的变化。恰恰是不确定性,为我们带来更多机会,更多可能性。