分类: Coding

How to install Composer on MacOS

How to install Composer on MacOS

Composer is an application level package manager for the PHP programming language. It provides a standard format for dependencies management of PHP software and required libraries. It was developed by Nilsadermann and JoddiBoganiano. It was released on March 1, 2012. In this tutorial, we will learn the installation process of Composer on MacOS.

journalctl 简单介绍

在 journald 之前,每个服务的日志都由自己控制,输出在松散不同的地方,这给系统管理员带来了极大的不便。查询不同的服务日志,就得知道各自服务的日志路径,再加上每个服务日志的记录格式或风格等均有不同程度的差异。